Polyamory Diaries 4: We're Having Our Best Sex In Years, Just Not With Other People

We've been on quite the adventure lately, discovering new levels of connection and intimacy. It's been an eye-opening journey that has brought us closer together in ways we never thought possible. If you're curious about exploring the boundaries of intimacy, you might want to check out some helpful tips on making those virtual connections last. Trust us, it's worth it!

In the latest edition of our Polyamory Diaries, we're exploring the topic of sex within polyamorous relationships. Contrary to popular belief, polyamorous individuals don't necessarily have more sex or better sex with multiple partners. In fact, many polyamorous couples find that their sex lives improve when they focus on intimacy within their primary relationship. In this installment, we'll share the experiences of a couple who have found that their best sex in years is happening with each other, not with other people.

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Rediscovering Intimacy

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For Sarah and Alex, a married couple who have been exploring polyamory for the past few years, the journey has been filled with ups and downs. Initially, they were excited about the prospect of connecting with new partners and expanding their sexual experiences. However, as they delved deeper into the world of polyamory, they found that their focus on outside relationships was taking a toll on their own intimacy.

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"We were so caught up in trying to meet new people and maintain multiple connections that we neglected our own relationship," Sarah explains. "Our sex life suffered, and we started to feel disconnected from each other."

After some soul-searching and open communication, Sarah and Alex decided to take a step back from pursuing other partners and instead focus on reigniting the spark in their own relationship. They began prioritizing date nights, engaging in open and honest conversations about their desires and needs, and recommitting to their physical connection.

The Results: Better Sex Than Ever

The shift in focus had a profound impact on Sarah and Alex's sex life. "We started experimenting with new things in the bedroom, communicating more openly about our fantasies, and really focusing on each other's pleasure," Alex shares. "The result has been incredible. We're having the best sex we've had in years, and it's all with each other."

Sarah echoes his sentiment, adding, "We've rediscovered a level of intimacy and passion that we hadn't experienced in a long time. It's been truly transformative for our relationship."

Navigating Polyamory and Sex

For Sarah and Alex, the realization that their best sex was happening within their primary relationship was a powerful lesson in the complexities of polyamory. While they haven't ruled out the possibility of exploring other connections in the future, they now approach it with a different perspective.

"We've learned that maintaining a strong foundation in our own relationship is crucial before we can consider bringing others into the mix," Sarah says. "It's not about seeking validation or fulfillment from outside partners; it's about enhancing what we already have together."

Their story serves as a reminder that polyamory isn't solely about the pursuit of multiple sexual partners. It's about building authentic connections, fostering open communication, and prioritizing the needs of all individuals involved. And for Sarah and Alex, that has meant finding their best sex in years right where they least expected it – within the confines of their own relationship.


The fourth installment of our Polyamory Diaries series has shed light on an often overlooked aspect of polyamorous relationships: the impact on sex and intimacy within the primary partnership. Sarah and Alex's journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of prioritizing their own connection, leading to a newfound level of passion and fulfillment. As they continue to navigate the complexities of polyamory, they've discovered that their best sex is happening with each other, proving that true intimacy goes beyond the pursuit of external partners. Stay tuned for more insights and experiences from the world of polyamory in future installments of Polyamory Diaries.